PMS 101 — Episode 1
One of the most natural processes in a woman’s life, periods can be a normal way of life for some and a challenging experience for others. The phase before and after periods can result in a number of symptoms — some that ebb away once the cycle starts and others that prolong throughout the cycle. These symptoms are referred to as PMS or the Pre-menstrual Syndrome. Let’s look more -
What is PMS?
PMS is a combination of symptoms (more than 150[1] of which have been noticed until now) that women experience about 7 to 14 days prior to their period. Symptoms of PMS manifest themselves days before the period starts, disappear during the period, and vary among women.
For all the amazing work done in the field of medical science, the global scientific community has not yet been able to figure out what exactly causes PMS. The only thing that observation has revealed is that PMS is somehow related to the hormonal changes in a girl’s body through her monthly periods cycle. Most women experience symptoms during the Luteal phase (after ovulation or release of egg to the time of bleeding). This time of the menstrual cycle is associated with changes of female hormones such as Estrogen and Progesterone.
Who gets PMS?
As per estimates, three out of four women experience PMS in one way or another. Since the cause has not been established in the almost 2500[2] years of its recorded history (Hippocrates was the first one to describe symptoms identical to PMS in 460 BC), it is not possible to segregate women into safe or PMS prone categories. The term ‘Premenstrual Syndrome’ was coined by Green and Dalton in 1953.[3]
What are the symptoms of PMS?
Most women experience at least one symptom of PMS each month. The symptoms usually ease out as a person gets older. Symptoms can be largely divided into the following two categories:
1. Behavioral and Emotional Symptoms
· Stress and anxiety
· Depression
· Mood swings such as crying, irritability or anger
· Food cravings
· Decrease in concentration levels
· Insomnia or trouble falling asleep
· Change in libido
2. Physical Symptoms
· Tiredness or fatigue
· Fluid retention leading to weight gain
· Abdominal bloating
· Frequent headaches
· Tender breasts
· Increased acne
· Constipation or Diarrhea
· Alcohol intolerance
While women can experience these symptoms in different grades of severity, a small percentage of woman can have disabling premenstrual symptoms. This condition is called PMDD or Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
Factors aiding PMS
Certain factors often contribute to PMS symptoms being more prominent in a woman including:
· Stress
· Emotional condition
· Poor health
· Obesity (a woman with BMI higher than 30 is thrice more likely[1] to experience PMS than a woman with normal weight)
· Smoking (smokers are twice as likely to experience severe PMS symptoms[2] compared to non-smokers)
· Genetic constitution
· Social environment
In conclusion
While PMS is a phenomenon impacting the physical and mental well-being of most women, it is not a disease or a body malfunction that can be fixed by medication.
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