Over 83% Women Benefited from &Me PMS Drinks: &Me Study Results

&Me - Women's Health Brand
4 min readOct 11, 2019


“Just finished &Me PMS drink, and it made me sigh in relief… It had a soothing effect and eased my period pain. Would really recommend the drink to all the women out there”

The three &Me PMS drinks — Mango, Orange and Green Apple — were among the first drinks launched by us, driven by a consumer insight that over 75% of women experience period discomfort and painful PMS symptoms! Part of it stems from lifestyle and psychological state at the time, but a significant share is driven by hormonal imbalance and lack of nutrition in the body. However, except for pain relieving medicines, and hot packs, there is NO real solution in the market.

In &Me PMS drinks, we combined the powers of Ayurvedic Herbs with Nutritional science to provide a holistic balance in the body and alleviate PMS symptoms naturally.

Since their launch in Sep 2018, &Me PMS Drinks had been in the market for 1 year and sold over 10,000 bottles. In our continual pursuit to understand what the consumer needs, to what extent &Me PMS drinks help and where are the opportunities, we decided to kickoff a closed group pilot study with 100 consumers in July 2019.

&Me PMS Pilot study

Our Approach: In June 2019, we reached out to a mix of our existing consumers, friends and Facebook followers. After an initial screening call with ~250 consumers, and eliminating for pre-existing conditions of Thyroid / Medications / PCOS, we landed on 101 consumers. These women were located all across India. We sent them two shipments of 6–10 bottles of &Me PMS drinks each, in July and August. We asked them to consume &Me PMS (Orange) drinks daily, during their monthly period cycle, over the course of 2 months. The participants filled out a cycle end survey and daily feedback that we coordinated over Whatsapp.

Our first Aha! moment of the study was when we realized the magnitude of PMS problems amongst women. 9 in 10 women surveyed experienced regular abdominal cramps and body ache during periods!

Overall Pilot Study Feedback and Results:

“I loved the drink. This time, my period cycle was so smooth, I didn’t get cramps and the drink made me energetic instantly. I would recommend this to my friends!”

More than 60% of the participants witnessed improvement in almost all symptoms measured. 83% noticed improvement in at least 2 PMS symptoms.

Key symptoms of cramps, bloating and fatigue that we at &ME PMS claim to benefit, showed an improvement of 70%, 61% and 61%, respectively! We also found out that our drinks helped relieve other common PMS discomforts of Bodyache and Mood Swings, with 63% and 61% of the participants noticing improvement, respectively. 66% of consumers started noticing benefits within 1–2 days of consumption!

Our favorite part: participants of the study said that they would like to spread &Me love further — 95% would recommend &Me PMS drinks to their family and friends!

The results of the pilot study got us closer to our consumer and helped us understand their needs better. It has fueled us with confidence to pursue our goal to solve for women’s health.

&Me’s mission is to empower women with health by solving for her unique functional needs across menstrual health, beauty and fitness categories. Further, &Me is leading the effort in driving awareness on Women’s nutritional health through their strong partner network of dieticians, nutritionists and influencers. Our recent 3 month long social media campaign, ‘#Unstoppable’ inspired dialogue on menstrual health. In the first month the campaign featured over 20 celebrated women achievers across fields, including Archana Vohra (Director Small, And Medium Business, Facebook, India), Delnaaz Irani (TV & Film Actress), Rani Rampal (Captain of Indian Hockey Team) who shared their life stories and untold stories of dealing with menstrual health. Roping in stories of everyday local heroes like traffic policewomen and saleswomen, the campaign garnered 2.1M impressions.

&Me are available across 600 stores in Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore and online at Amazon, Big Basket and at our website. Learn more about our drinks at www.andme.in and join our Facebook and Instagram community @andme.in.


1 Data pertains to two period cycles of 62 participants



&Me - Women's Health Brand
&Me - Women's Health Brand

Written by &Me - Women's Health Brand

&Me is a women’s health brand with a mission to empower women by solving for her unique functional needs. Our current portfolio aims at PCOS, PMS, Skin & UTI.

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